The Mended Wheel

The poor old Timber Top has been alternating between Broken and Mended as often as The Drum in the Discworld books this summer.  However, I’m delighted to announce that It Is Now Mended.   Its new tensioner handle arrived very swiftly from James this week and Graham installed it with a gentle thwump of the mallet.  So, finally, I plied my Cringoch Blue-faced Leicester:

It turned out not quite as fine as I hoped – 21wpi (I’d been aiming for nearer 25), but it’s still a nice weight for a shawl and exactly 100g (I think that’s a first!).  There’s over half a kilometer of it!  As usual, when it’s important to get it right, the camera was sulking about doing colours nicely for me.  It’s actually somewhere between what these pictures show and totally beautiful.  Fantastic dyeing work by Artis-Anne!

Meanwhile, on the other wheel, I finished this:

Jan dyes for me strips of Blue-faced Leicester in different colours which I then blend.  I’m rather pleased with how this one has turned out, which will be for baby socks for the shop.

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One Response to The Mended Wheel

  1. Anne says:

    Looks great spun up and so glad you are happy with it.
    Love your blend too ; your own flock ?